Criminal lawyer

As a criminal lawyer bilingual in English and French, Me Lois Pamela LESOT is committed to advising and assisting you throughout criminal proceedings, everywhere in France.

She ensures the defense of your interests during:

  • The inquiry/investigation : complaints at the police station, complaints before the Prosecutor, complaints before the Investigating Judge, police custodies, confrontations, searches and seizures, interrogations, indictments, pre-trial detention, requests for release, etc.
  • The judgment : Police court, Criminal Court, Court of Appeal, Court of Assizes, appearances before the Prosecutor, etc.
  • The sentence and its consequences : parole, placement under electronic surveillance, etc.

In any situation relating to:

  • Criminal law : violence, sexual assault, rape, revenge porn, harassment, kidnapping, murder, assassination, theft, forgery and use of forgery, blackmail, false accusatio,n, etc.
  • International and European Criminal law : extradition, European arrest warrants, cross-border cooperation, etc.
  • Business Criminal law : money laundering, concealment, abuse of corporate assets, breach of trust, influence peddling, tax fraud, defense of corporate executives, etc.
  • Press and media law : defamation, insult, damage to the image, justification or provocation to crimes and misdemeanors, requirements of the right of reply, attacks on the presumption of innocence, etc.



After her double degree over four years in English law and French law at the Universities of King’s College London and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Me Lois Pamela LESOT completed an LLM in International Criminal law at Kent Law School and a Master 2 in International and Business Criminal law at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.

She put into practice the knowledge acquired from these studies during numerous experiences in law firms, such as in the firms William JULIE, Chatain & Associés, Collard & Associés and Moinas & Savoye, as well as at the Court of Appeal of Paris and at the International Criminal Court.

Today, Me Lois Pamela LESOT is an associate at the Avi BITTON law firm.

She also takes on personal cases.

She is a member of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA), the European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers (EFCL), Lawyers Without Boarder (fr) and International Amnesty.

She is also part of the Réseau 1900 Avocates.

Me Lois Pamela LESOT intervenes at the Institut d’Etudes Judiciaires (IEJ) of the University of Paris.